Sustainable E-waste Recycling Services
Sustainable E-waste Recycling development is about meeting the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations. It operates across three overlapping aspects – Environmental, Social and Economic.
Our commitment to Sustainable e-waste Recycling is evidenced through the way our business operates by the services we provide, the targets we set, investment in quality and environmental systems, collaboration with our clients, supporting local and international programmes, charitable activities and of course our dedicated people.
Spas Recycling is committed to ethically responsible business practice our award winning sustainable development strategy has continuously developed over the last 5 years.
Not only has this contributed significantly to the commercial success of the company, but also minimised the negative impact of IT on the environment through promoting the reuse of IT and providing an environmentally Responsible IT disposal solution to unwanted and unusable IT.
In using our services customers benefit from the high standards we set and in some cases have gone on to win awards in their own right.
Download Our online recycling i899 RECYCLING App Now !